Author: gregoryshafiro

Watchlist Add

At Reelay, we’re always revising our product to be more useful and fun for our users. But with these changes, sometimes features and sections get moved to different areas. Such is the case with adding movies to your watchlist – a key component of the app and one of the best parts of Reelay.

Beyond Human

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has captured our imaginations for decades, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in technology and human-machine interaction. AI has been a recurring theme in cinema, serving as a source of fascination, wonder, and sometimes fear. Over the years, filmmakers have explored the concept of AI in various forms, from friendly robotic […]

Philmed in Philly

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round, because we’re about to embark on a cinematic journey through the city of brotherly love. That’s right, I’m talking about Philadelphia, the land of cheesesteaks, Rocky Balboa, and enough sports fans to fill the Grand Canyon.