Our creators make Reelay the fantastic app it is. Their love of movies, dedicated fandom, and creative endeavors make Reelay a fun and welcoming platform. Occasionally, we like to spotlight some of our creators and provide insight into who they are and why they’re integral to our Reelay community.
This week, we spoke with @Echowood, a Reelayer based in Connecticut with a background in writing and television production.
Reelay: As a baseline, we ask each Reelayer their top 5 favorite movies. So, which flicks are in your top 5?
Echowood: This is some Sophie’s Choice questioning here, but I’ll give it a shot. My number one film is Back to the Future. It’s held that position since I watched it for the first time at a drive-in movie theater on Cape Cod back in 1985. Not only does it blend comedy, action, suspense, and science fiction perfectly, but every piece of information you’re given throughout the film pays off later. It’s brilliant from start to finish.

At number two is the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Yeah, I’m counting them as one. I’d never read Tolkien so I went in completely blind. And, of course, I was blown away. From the acting, cinematography, editing to the effects, story, and world-building. I rewatch them at least once a year.
Number three is Amelie. Jean-Pierre Jeunet moved away from his dystopian beginnings and created a quirky film filled with such color and life. It’s such a lovely and funny film.
At four, let’s go with Blade Runner 2049. It really could be a toss-up between this and the original, but Roger Deakin’s cinematography and the aesthetic Denis Villeneuve creates just feel so unique yet familiar.
Five will be controversial, and I reserve the right to change it later in life, but I’m going with The Rock. I remember coming out of the theater and being blown away by what I saw. Action from start to finish, compelling characters – including a villain who you feel for, and visuals that were just thrilling. Bay went overboard later in his career, but the way The Rock looks is just beautiful.
What drew you to Reelay?
I’ve always been a movie fan, watching a hundred or so a year. But I was initially hesitant to use Reelay because I assumed it’d be a bunch of hardcore movie fans telling me how dumb I am for liking a particular film. But it was the exact opposite of that. The app is filled with lovely, welcoming people, and even though they may not like a film you recommend, instead of putting you down, they’ll say, “If you like that one, you have to check this one out.” Just a fantastic community.
Who are your favorite follows on Reelay?
Anything the Zaciu Brothers (@immigrantfilm and @king_aglio_olio) recommend gets instantly added to my watchlist. These guys not only know and love films, but they have such an appreciation for the craft of filmmaking that ensures everything they recommend will not only be a film I’m not familiar with but one that is the epitome of filmmaking.
I think @Marta.McFly uniquely appreciates movies, especially older and more esoteric films. She’s given some recommendations that are just outstanding.
@milesofmovies and I are probably some of the older users on Reelay. His kids are a few years older than mine, but he’ll recommend kids’ movies that I’ll add to my watchlist and save for when my kids are a bit older.
Oh, and @medusaoblonggato is a must-follow. The dude cracks me up. He’s got brilliant takes on movies, and I’m jealous of his long, flowing blonde locks.
What’s your film-based hot take?
This will get me into trouble, but Gigli isn’t that bad of a movie. It isn’t, by any means, a good movie, but it doesn’t deserve all the hate it got back in the day. The fact that it effectively killed Martin Brest’s career after studio-meddling is also a shame.

What do you think makes a good movie?
I am an absolute sucker for outstanding production design and cinematography. I have a writing background, so I’m in awe of people who can create beautiful visuals on-screen. Anything Bo Welch or Rick Carter make is going to look fantastic. And with Roger Deakins or Emmanuel Lubezki behind the lens, a movie will be infinitely elevated.

How do you spend your time when you aren’t watching movies or using Reelay?
I’ve got two young kids, so most of my free time is spent with them. But other than that, I’m finishing my first novel and training for my yearly half-marathon.