
Philmed in Philly

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round, because we’re about to embark on a cinematic journey through the city of brotherly love. That’s right, I’m talking about Philadelphia, the land of cheesesteaks, Rocky Balboa, and enough sports fans to fill the Grand Canyon. But today, we’re not here to discuss the Eagles or debate the merits of Whiz or Provolone on your sandwich. No, today, we’re diving headfirst into the world of Philadelphia-based movies, and let me tell you, it’s a wild ride. So get those watchlists ready…

First up on our list of the best movies set in Philly is none other than “Rocky.” Now, I know what you’re thinking: “But Adam, ‘Rocky’ is a classic!” And you’re absolutely right; it is a classic. But have you ever stopped to think about how absurd this movie is? I mean, here’s a guy who decides to become a professional boxer after being punched in the face a few times. And let’s not forget the training montage set to that cheesy ’70s music. If that doesn’t scream Philadelphia, I don’t know what does.

Next on the list, we’ve got “Philadelphia,” starring Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington. Now, this one’s a bit more serious, dealing with some heavy themes like AIDS and discrimination. But come on, it’s got Philadelphia right there in the title! Plus, it’s got Tom Hanks, who can make any movie enjoyable, even one that makes you cry harder than an Eagles fan after a Super Bowl loss.

Now, let’s talk about “Trading Places,” starring Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd. This movie is like a twisted fairy tale set in the City of Brotherly Love. You’ve got a homeless man becoming a commodities trader, a couple of old rich dudes making a bet, and a whole lot of shenanigans. It’s a perfect representation of the Philly spirit—where anything can happen, and you might just end up with a pile of money and a gorilla in a Santa suit.

And who could forget “Philadelphia Experiment,” a sci-fi flick that takes the city’s name to a whole new level? This movie has time travel, naval experiments gone wrong, and enough plot holes to fill the Schuylkill River. But hey, it’s set in Philadelphia, so it’s automatically a must-watch.

Speaking of rivers, let’s not leave out “Philadelphia Story.” No, it’s not about a secret society of cheesesteak connoisseurs, although that would be a movie worth watching. Instead, it’s a classic romantic comedy starring Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant, and Jimmy Stewart. But what makes it truly Philadelphian? Well, it’s got witty banter, high society drama, and enough cocktail parties to put the Mummer’s Parade to shame.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Adam, these movies aren’t all that funny!” And you’re right; they’re not laugh-out-loud comedies. But when you think about it, the very idea of a city like Philadelphia being the backdrop for these stories is pretty darn funny. I mean, this is a city where the Eagles’ mascot is an eagle named Swoop, for crying out loud.

So there you have it, folks—the best movies set in Philadelphia, a city as quirky and unpredictable as the characters in these films. Whether it’s boxing, time travel, or high society drama, Philly’s got it all.